Seattle Bengal Cats
About the Bengal
The Bengal cat breed originated from the purposeful crossbreeding of a wild Asian cat with a domestic cat.
The founder of the breed, Jane Mill, an American biologist, wanted people to be able to keep an affectionate and
tame animal at home, reminiscent of a wild inhabitant of the jungle, and stop the extermination of the forest predator
in its natural habitat.
Bengal cats first took part in the TICA show in 1991, and today the breed is recognized by most Feline organizations.
Although outwardly Bengal cats are very similar to wild ones, owners' reviews about the nature of their pets always indicate the opposite. There is absolutely no aggression in this breed, aggressive and shy individuals were excluded from breeding at the stage of breed formation.

Bengals are very loyal, open, and friendly cats.
They are sociable and inquisitive, get along well with other pets, and are moderately patient with children.
Bengal cats are active and very intelligent; quickly learn what their master teaches.
They are extremely fond of water; some bengal cats even try to get into the water while the owners are taking a bath.
Fuzzy stage and spot development
Fuzzing (blurred, vague, unclear) is a phenomenon of distortion of the color of Bengals in childhood.

The color of Bengal cats is formed slowly. In kittens aged 1-2 weeks to about 4-6 months the coat may become faded,
may have a grayish tint, the pattern looks fuzzy.
The kitten itself during this period may not look like a color of an adult Bengal - rather a mongrel cat.
On the soft coat of kittens aged 1-2 month appears long greyish hair.
The kitten acquires an untidy appearance and looks much fluffier than an adult Bengal.

In some lines, phasing is more pronounced, in others - less.
On silver Bengals it is less noticeable, while gold ones can turn gray quite strongly.

Phasing is characteristic of all wild cats and some domestic breeds.
Something similar happens with birds or with swans.
Gradually, the grayish coat and the fuzziness of the pattern disappear, the correct Bengal color is formed by 4-6 months.
If you reserve a kitten at an earlier age, look at its parents, pay attention to the size and shape of the specks.
The rosettes and coat contrast in kittens become clearly visible by 3-4 months.
And the color can form up to a year, sometimes up to a year and a half.

Be patient and step by step watch the gradual transformation of a sloppy kitten into a handsome mini leopard - this is one of the wonders of wildlife, manifested in domestic cats.
1 year old
2 mounth old
3 mounth old
2 weeks old
1 year old
2 mounth old
3 mounth old
Brown Bengal kitten coat development
Silver bengal kitten coat development
2 weeks old